
Content of the Online Offer

The provider makes all provided information available without any assurances regarding its currentness, accuracy, completeness, or quality. The use of the web offer in itself does not establish a contractual relationship between the provider and the user. Any liability claims against the provider arising from the use or non-use of the displayed information are excluded unless the provider demonstrably acted intentionally or with gross negligence. The web offer can be changed, expanded, deleted, or temporarily or permanently discontinued at any time and without prior notice.

External Links

This web offer may contain hyperlinks to external websites of third parties. Despite careful control at the time of linking, no liability can be assumed for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Continuous monitoring of external links without concrete evidence of legal violations is not reasonable for the provider. However, such external links will be deleted immediately upon becoming aware of any legal infringements.

Copyright and Trademark Protection

The contents published on this web offer are protected by copyright. Any use, especially duplication, editing, distribution, and any form of exploitation, requires the prior written consent of the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to photographs, graphics, texts, audio, video, or multimedia files. Brands and trademarks mentioned in the web offer may be legally protected. Their mere mention does not mean that they are not protected by third-party rights.